Port Douglas and Coffee Works Mareeba

Written by Guy Besley, Latitude Resorts Port Douglas,

So the sun is shining, a little bit of breeze and everyone has been to the reef and up to the Daintree rainforest. So what to do next?

Well the Coffee Works at Mareeba is a must do! Coffee Works is not just for the caffeine fanatics, it also has tea, chocolate (yes chocolate), and an amazing museum full of coffee paraphernalia from all over the globe.

It’s a short drive from Port Douglas or Cairns to the Mareeba Coffee Works, and I can highly recommend it. Especially for the coffee nuts. You pay a small entry fee, get a tasting cup then drink coffee till the cows come home. Just when the bitterness of the coffee takes over you hit the chocolate. The last time I hit the coffee works I put Homer Simpson to shame.

Well worth the trip.

Till tomorrow,


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